HELIOS CREED NEWS No. 6 November 18, 2004
Hey y’all, KraZeE cYn here talkin’ at ya. It’s been a year since the
first newsletter, and it’s amazing how fast time went (and how little I
accomplished). Where the hell does the time go, anyway???? I didn’t get half
the stuff done I had hoped to do for H - boo hoo. All work and no play makes
Krazee Cyn a dull girl.....................
H finally got ALL of his equipment repaired (and a new guitar), so he’s been able
to lay down some tracks -- yeah! It sux tho’ cuz now H has been feelin’ less
than well - the Hep C is kickin’ his a$$ again. If he can get the Hep C under
control, 2005 promises to be the $hit – new Helios Creed and Chrome CDs, spring
tour (
Fabienne, the late Damon Edge’s wife, plans to come visit me in January, the
same time as H (I live close to
Like H, Fabienne hopes to do some jammin’ with local musicians while she’s here,
and I plan to line up some gigs for both her and H in Austin. Fabienne also
plans to sit in on the auditions for spring tour musicians that H will be
holdin’. If you are a musician and interested in playin’ with either Fabienne
or H while they are in
A fan bought H a fairly new home ( nice eh?) not far from where he lives now
(unfortunately it’s still in bumfuk
Enough from me - here’s H:
Hello everybody! First, I’d like to give a review on Fabienne’s new CD, No Mad
Nomad!! It’s not in the space rock genre like Damon and me, but here are the things
that I like most about it: Each song is not indulgent because each song is
short and to the point. You can’t help
but fall in love with her french accent. You can feel that not only is she a
beautiful woman, but her heart is as beautiful as beauty itself. Each song has
a way of making a warm feeling in your heart. You just want to give her a great
big hug!! I’ve listened to the album, I believe six times, and each time I
listen to it, I feel happier and happier.
She is such a wonderful person. I feel Damon was a fool for screwing up their
relationship. If I had a woman like her, I would treat her like a
queen. You will pick this up on her music. She has talent beyond MTV or VH-1.
She blows away all of the divas of today, but she has not yet
received her due. I am doing my best to get her on VH-1's Band’s United with
Fabienne must be an angel from heaven here to enlighten us on love and beauty.
If you knew her like I do, you would just want to embrace her for the whole
world! Her voice is so enlightened because she has this French accent with an
American perspective. Maybe you don’t like traditional rock, but the way
Fabienne does it, we can’t deny her talent and love for humanity! All I can say
is from the mind of a man who makes space rock and industrial dabbling, is that
my whole heart goes out to her and I would do anything to make her life better.
If you buy her record, I guarantee you will not be disappointed. No matter what
kind of music you like, because of Fabienne’s pure soul and because she stuck
with Damon Edge through thick and thin, you should give respect where it is due
- for this amazing woman. She will soon be making a Chrome CD with me and I
truly respect her for her
Back to me and my life, I don’t know what to say, except I somehow lost my license.
It’s been revoked for three months. It’s been very hard to be me lately, and I
thank God Fabienne came into my life like an angel! I appreciate all she has
done for me, and I would do anything for her. If anyone out there has anything
to do with the Band’s United show on VH-1, I’d like to talk with you about
helping Fabienne. Also, if everyone would please write letters to the show,
etc., we may be able to get her on.
I am working on my new CD – it’s been really rough without any support musicians.
I’m still on probation, as you know, so it makes it tough. I can’t travel until
January. Can it get any worse?? I love you all for supporting On the Dark Side,
and believe you me, I am on the dark side right now. You might see that album
as a musical prophecy for me and the rest of us. I pull no punches. Love,
Helios Creed.
CD’s and Merchandise:
For all of those fans who missed the On the Dark Side Tour in 2003, the next best
thing is now available!!! H now has an official live On the Dark Side Tour
bootleg CD. Fifty percent of the profits from this CD will go into the Helios
Creed’s 2005 tour fund! We are taking pre-orders at this time (we expect them
to be ready to ship in a couple of weeks). You can purchase this CD by
contacting me at the above e-mail address. Toxic Tommy did the art work for
this CD and it is available for $17.00 plus shipping and handling, which
includes an On the Dark Side Tour T-shirt (specify size please - no smalls or
mediums left – also, we do ship internationally).
Sales are doin’ really well on the Chrome compilation put out by Cleopatra Records
this past June. Check that out if you haven’t already. I went to Waterloo
Records in
As always, forward this newsletter to other fans and if anyone would like to be
put on the direct mailing list, please let me know. I have posted the last two
newsletters on the BHS board, but that isn’t the “norm.” I want to thank all of
the musicians who contacted me regarding the spring tour - no date in January
has yet been set, and I will contact you as soon as I have a date! Lastly, I
want to thank the fans and especially Fabienne, for everything they do to help
support Helios! You are our heroes!
Peace, love and happy holidays -
Helios Creed and KraZeE cYn