CREED NEWS No. 5 August 17, 2004
Hello! I hope you have all had a great summer. I had a blast traveling.
The summer hasn’t been too bad for Helios, either! As usual, he’s had his ups
and downs, but he always lands on his feet. H has a lot on the back burner and
hopefully sometime this fall, he’ll be making some music! We’re still shopping
record labels at the moment for a new CD H has been working on (without all of
his equipment working). He recently spoke with Jeff Pinkus (of BHS and Honky) and it might work out that
he can lay some tracks down with him on a project Jeff is working on. Kevin
Stack of Gorch Fock has been talking with H about some guest appearance(s) this
fall in
The best news of all, H will tell you below!
August 3 - Helios Says:
In other world news,
quit smoking cigs on the 24th -- KC]
I had a psychic healing by a girl named Yolanda. She actually helped me out a
lot. She’s very reputable and in the past, the police have used her to successfully
solve homicides. She lives in
Record sales are continuing to pick up on The Dark Side of The Sun. I
started a new solo project, and am still trying to get my equipment all
fixed so I can lay down some tracks. I’m planning to do a new Chrome record
with Gary Spain, John Lambden, and Fabienne Shine (Damon’s wife) will appear vocally,
and Tommy L. Cyborg and previous rythym section.
From Krazee Cyn: H is really doin’ well! He’s free of meds and has a GREAT attitude.
I’ve been working with Fabienne Shine Wisse (formerly of Chrome, now on tour
with her band
Thanks for all of the inquiries about H. I’m happy to update anyone via e-mail anytime.
From H 8/17: Going back to Yolanda again, she did a reading on my dad, who is a
hard-core Catholic, is very skepitcal of psychics, and she totally won him over!
She claimed that Helios Creed’s solo records have made her more psychic and she
wanted to repay me for that gift. So check out her website.
Happy trails............