Gene Simmons of rock band Kiss had a reality TV show back in 2006
entitled "Gene Simmons: Family Jewels." Season 1 - episode 2 entitled
"Next Generation Rock Star" aired on August 7, 2006 - in this episode,
Gene is counseling his son Nick who wants to start a rock band. Gene
Simmons suggests the band name CHROME to his son. His son and his
friends have enough sense to say 'hey Dad we can't use that, the name
has already been taken,' and then Gene drums up some nonsense about how
'if it's not trademarked it's not theirs.' That's one thing, but
there's also a scene in this same episode where Gene Simmons shows his
son some logos he came up with for "Chrome," now look for yourself at
the images below of the design of CHROME that Simmons shows his son
that he had drawn-up compared to the original CHROME (around since 1976
with Damon Edge and Helios Creed) font/graphic.... Hmmmmm, me thinks
Genie-boy may have seen the original Chrome design before. Also, check
out the clip from the show below as well as a funny radio segment with
a very special guest discussing the incident!
Check Out The Scenes From Simmons Reality Show Below:
Radio Show With A Very Special Guest Disussing The Incident Below: